Advertising is about attention-grabbing images and sound, all glued together with words. It’s the words that make people want to know more, click through, give you their money.

No one wants to hear technical details about something they don’t yet want. They need to know instantly how you are going to make their life better. You need to promise a solution to a problem they might not even have thought of. Word it right, and they’ll be yours.

I love learning (everything) about a new business. Tell me about yours, and I’ll find the words to get everyone else interested.

Advertising is about attention-grabbing images and sound, all glued together with words. It’s the words that make people want to know more, click through, give you their money.

No one wants to hear technical details about something they don’t yet want. They need to know instantly how you are going to make their life better. You need to promise a solution to a problem they might not even have thought of. Word it right, and they’ll be yours.

I love learning (everything) about a new business. Tell me about yours, and I’ll find the words to get everyone else interested.